Newsroom Project


What is the +Context Operating Model?

The +Context Operating Model has been designed to provide a visual and textual representation of how the newsroom organization delivers value.

What is +Context?


The newsroom, +Context, is a collaborative organization that reflects the voices and spirit of local news publications and the communities that they serve, by publish engaging content and providing partner publications with the tools and resources necessary to enhance their reach and sustainability.


The core spirit of the +Context mission is broadly understood by partners and will evolve via ideation and insight provided by its local partner publications.

The +Context mission will be effected by publishing engaging content that represents the interests, challenges and narratives of a broad spectrum of Oklahomans, specifically those of racially, ethnically and gender diverse communities.

+Context News Products

News and information that reflects the interests & narratives of our diverse communities.

Enterprise Content

Enterprise journalism is reporting that is not generated by news or a press release, but rather generated by +Context journalists based on developed sources.


General News

Information about current events, common topics including, but limited to, news reports, foreign events, government, politics, education, health, the environment, economy, business, fashion, entertainment, sports and more.


Sponsored Content

An advertisement for a product, service, or brand that is presented as an impartial news article or video. Sponsored content may also not possess a direct relationship with a brand, but simply represents a brand’s interest in supporting the publication. The Editorial and Production teams may collaboratively, or independently, produce sponsored content in the form of print and digital media.


Community Content

Services and tools that provide general community event information, announcements, directories, notices and more.

+Context Team Structure



+Context is a community (team) of creative media thought leaders, hypermedia artists and storytellers committed to our mission of collaboratively producing and publish engaging stories that embody the voices and spirit of our communities by embracing creative media and innovative strategies.

Recommended, is an organizational structure that is functionally focused. Such an organizational structure will enable respective teams to craft and evolve approaches that yield process efficiency and create seamless engagement with internal teams. The organization’s core teams should be Editorial, Production, Marketing, and Development, all governed by board guidance and officer direction. It should be noted that one of the core responsibilities of each team lead is to work in partnership across the organization to ensure that products (news content, sponsored content, and projects) are brand aligned and best reflect and support our mission.


The +Context Editorial team will work collaboratively with local Publishing Partners to craft and evolve enterprise and general news stories. The team, led by an Executive Managing Editor, will also comprised of copy/line editors and contributors (print & digital). The position title, “Managing Editor”, is an industry reference and does not infer a position of hierarchy within the organization’s governing structure.



The +Context Operations team will work collaboratively with Editorial team members to design, develop and produce print and digital assets in support of enterprise and general news stories. The team, led by a Creative Director, will also be comprised of graphic designers, photographers, videographers, audio engineers and researchers, all who are aligned with Editorial team members on an ongoing or project basis. The position title, “Director”, is an industry reference and does not infer a position of hierarchy within the organization’s governing structure.


Sales & Marketing

The +Context Sales & Marketing team will develop, execute and evolve print and digital engagement strategies that target current and intended audiences. Further, team members will develop, track and provide campaign performance reporting. The team, led by a Marketing Director, will also be comprised of communications, social media and digital/print marketing specialists. The position title, “Director”, is an industry reference and does not infer a position of hierarchy within the organization’s governing structure.



The +Context Finance team will manage accounting and reporting, accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, cash receipts, cash management and investments. The department will also be responsible for the issuance of debt for capital projects, the retirement fund, purchasing, and budget preparation.



The +Context Development team will identify, develop, pursue and secure grant and donor funding opportunities that align with the organization’s key goals. The team, led by a Development Officer, will also be comprised of grant writers, grant management specialists, and communications specialists. The position title, “Officer”, is an industry reference and does not infer a position of hierarchy within the organization’s governing structure.


Talent Management

The +Context Talent Management team will manage the employee life cycle, from recruitment to off-boarding. Talent Management’s role is to ensure that employees have the skills and knowledge to do their jobs, and to create a positive work environment that builds trust and engagement. Talent Management will also ensure that +Context complies with legal regulations. Talent Management will lead the development and adoption of a culture that ensures continuous improvement of skills development, team collaboration, morale and productivity in partnership with organization leaders.

Content Models


Enterprise & Sponsored Content

Team(s): Executive Managing Editor, Partner Publisher Editor, Contributor(s), Production, Development (Optional)

Frequency: Approximately 90 days

Medium(s): Print, Digital, Social


    • Story development – The Executive Managing Editor & Partner Publisher Managing Editor will lead reviews of story concepts, potential approaches to crafting stories, resource availability and organization priorities. Follow-on discussions will require the engagement of contributors and the Production team.
    • Print & Digital assets – The Executive Managing Editor, the Partner Publisher Managing Editor & Contributors will work collaboratively to identify potential digital and print assets that may be developed to support the story development concepts.
    • Medium alignment – The Executive Managing Editor, Partner Publisher Managing Editor Contributors, and Production team work collaboratively to plan publishing across digital radio, print and digital domains (Ex., digital radio may structure programming be leveraging story sections and provide links to additional context on print/digital medium domains.)

Level of Effort:

    • Executive Managing Editor – Approximately 80 hours
    • Contributor – Approximately 124 hours
    • Copy/Line Editor – Approximately 48 hours
    • Production Team – Approximately 300 hours
    • Marketing – Approximately 48 hours
    • Total Effort – Approximately 600 hours


General News

Team(s): Executive Managing Editor, Contributor(s), Production

Frequency: Approximately 1-2 days

Medium(s): Print, Digital, Social


    • Story development – The Executive Managing Editor, Copy/Line Editor & Contributor(s) will lead reviews of story concepts, potential approaches to crafting stories, resource availability and organization priorities. Follow-on discussions will require the engagement of contributors and the Production team.
    • Print & Digital assets – The Copy/Line Editor, Contributor(s) & the Production team will work collaboratively to identify potential digital and print assets that may be developed to support the story development concepts.
    • Medium alignment – The Executive Managing Editor and Production team will work collaboratively to plan publishing across digital radio, print and digital domains.

Level of Effort:

    • Executive Managing Editor – Approximately 1-2 hours
    • Contributor – Approximately 3-6 hours
    • Copy/Line Editor – Approximately 2 hours
    • Production Team – Approximately 3-4 hours
    • Total Effort – Approximately 9-14 hours

Content Creation


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