1749 Beverage Co.

An authentic teas & juices brand that reimagines the perfect lemondates, black tea blends and exotic fruits.

1749 Beverage Co.

Creative Direction


1749 Beverage company sought to create a brand image and experiences that encourage familiarity with drinking childhood favorites.

We make sure that everything goes right at that very special date for brave guys.


1749 Beverage Co. experienced a successful summer-long market pilot, fully embraced within the Washington, D.C. region, offering its core beverage line in french square bottles. Although an excellent visual and tactile brand experience, supply chain challenges during Covid-19 resulted in global bottle shortages.


Make sure you are ready

Before all this happen, the morning preparation could be the most frustrating after searching all night on Yelp for a the most rated restaurants. You need to think of what to wear in the morning and make sure that you looks good and attractive.

The branding explores the elegance and simplicity

Enjoy dating,
a good talk and wine.

Who doesn’t enjoy a good glass of wine in a beautiful place being in good company.

Cologne, clothes and senses. These are parts of the equation developed to get a first yet good impression. You´ll date as never before, because you´ll date with most of the work done, just be yourself and enjoy with a good talk with a nice person.

No matter how you slice it, she likes what she´s seen so far, and she´s willing to give you a chance.

Brand perception improved positively, conversion increased by 25% and 90% of people surveyed liked the new rebranding.


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